Adobe MAX is the world’s largest creative conference held by Adobe. For the 2023 edition, Adobe tasked us in collaboration with Buck to rebrand the whole identity of the festival exploring this year theme: PLAY.
We created a design system composed of a shape library. This collection of graphic elements showcase the limitless creative possibilities of the tools available in Adobe’s Creative Cloud. 

This flexible design system was implemented from assets spanning digital formats to gracing the 40-foot keynote speaker stage in Los Angeles, capturing the attention of audiences worldwide.

Creative Direction ︎︎︎ Charlie Sheppard, Alfie Wheatley and me
Art Direction ︎︎︎ Estefan Richter, Simon Buijs
Animation ︎︎︎ Jardeson Rocha, Andrés Cuevas, Greta Sennekamp, Joe Sparkes and Santiago Gonzalez
Design ︎︎︎ Anna Moessnang, Bernd Bousard, Bianca Beneduci, Catarina Alves, Jen Zheng, Léa Zhang, Rasmus Stenberg, Yana Abramova, Sonal Jadhav